When developing software prototypes to optimize linear problems, it is sometimes desirable to provide the customer with an app to avoid the need for them to install a full python environment with all dependencies. In python, there is a tool called PyInstaller for this purpose. However, there are a few hurdles that need to be… Read more Generate EXEs solving MILPs using PyInstaller in Python
Category: tools
Map Coloring Problem
This is a similar post as the one on Graph Coloring. However, this in this post I show an application of the graph coloring problem, allowing us to answer practical questions using graph theory. In this post we’ll first tackle a map coloring problem manually, then we’ll use a MiniZinc constraint programming script to validate the solution found.
Graph Coloring Problem
A node coloring is valid or admissible if any two adjacent nodes do not have the same color. If a graph is colorable, there is a smallest number such that the graph is node colorable. This number is called the chromatic number of the graph and is usually denoted by . The problem to identify… Read more Graph Coloring Problem
Graph Modelling Tool
In this post I’d like to introduce you to a cool webbased tool to visualize directed or undirected graphs. It is hosted at csacademy.com and can be found here. The following image shows a potential solution to the TSP problem with 5 locations, when the subtour elimination constraint is not considered. In order to generate… Read more Graph Modelling Tool
Minimal Git Knwo-How
This post is for people, who once in a while have to deal with git and therefore don’t repeat the commands frequently enough in order to keep them in longtime memory. 😛 I’ll provide a simple short reference containing the commands needed most frequently and enrich the reference when necessary. Clone an existing Repository from… Read more Minimal Git Knwo-How