In this post we want to try to provide a solution to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using linear programming. The post is based on this excellent video from Mr. Michel Bierlaire at the EPFL. A good written documentation of the Miller Tucker Zemlin Constraint can be found here. What is a TSP? The… Read more TSP Miller-Tucker-Zemlin Subtour Elimination Constraint
Graph Modelling Tool
In this post I’d like to introduce you to a cool webbased tool to visualize directed or undirected graphs. It is hosted at and can be found here. The following image shows a potential solution to the TSP problem with 5 locations, when the subtour elimination constraint is not considered. In order to generate… Read more Graph Modelling Tool
An Arduino based Math Trainer
In this post I’ll show you how to build an arduino based math training console based on simple standard components. The app is suitable for training math in lower and middle school. It allows configuring difficulty level as well as operations and lets the player choose the correct result from a selection of 4 outcomes… Read more An Arduino based Math Trainer
Deploy Python UI Apps including Java Business-Logic
In this post you’ll learn how to deploy a python application in the form of a directory which can be distributed as an archive or as a single executable file. This is the last of three posts on a series about UI development in python embedding Java based business logic and shows you a concept,… Read more Deploy Python UI Apps including Java Business-Logic
Embedding Java Logic into a Python Application
In this post I’ll demonstrate how to embed logic provided by a java application into a python PyQt5 UI based application. The motivation for this project arose from the need to be able to port legacy code in the form of an old Eclipse Rich Client Platform application to a contemporary technology with as little… Read more Embedding Java Logic into a Python Application
Fast UI-Prototyping in Python using PyQt5 Designer
In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to design user interfaces with PyQt5 Designer. We’ll design a simple UI, which allows to add two numbers. Because I often have to develop scientific applications in my job, I regularly face the challenge of developing simple GUIs. There are hundreds of solutions, web- or fat-client… Read more Fast UI-Prototyping in Python using PyQt5 Designer
How to get rid of Dropbox
This post is for people who are no longer satisfied with Dropbox and want to migrate their data to an alternative cloud storage service. I’ll demonstrate how to configure Dropbox to synchronize the files down to a local drive. The post is based on windows 10 and on dropbox-client (115.4.601) as of February,9th 2021, the… Read more How to get rid of Dropbox
Find optimal Solution to Knapsack Problem with Linear Programming in R
In another post I demonstrated how to develop a heuristic to solve the knapsack problem. We managed to solve the problem quite well and had an optimality gap of about 1%, that is, our solution was 1% away from the optimal solution. Here I’d like to demonstrate, how simple it is to solve the Knapsack… Read more Find optimal Solution to Knapsack Problem with Linear Programming in R
Solve Knapsack Problem with Heuristics in R
In this post I’ll show a way how to solve the Knapsack Problem applying a simple greedy improvement heuristic and how to implement it in R. What is the Knapsack Problem? On Wikipedia, you find the following definition: “The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a… Read more Solve Knapsack Problem with Heuristics in R
Ode to a Legend of the Eighties – The Commodore 64
It was the machine one wanted to own as a boy back in the eigthies, long before the Amiga had been acquired by Commodore Inc. – the Commodore 64. At that time, PCs were presenting monochrome character-art pictures, games had to be played using the cursor keys and from time to time one could hear… Read more Ode to a Legend of the Eighties – The Commodore 64